GARS Meetings

GARS regular monthly meetings are held on the Third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Anyone interested in Amateur Radio communications is welcome to attend the meetings. Please check the repeater (146.820 Mhz; CTCSS Tone 123.0) periodically for any announcement, in case the location or time changes. Changes will also be updated on this website.

The meeting location is:
Trinity United Methodist Church,
4000 NW 53rd Ave, Gainesville, FL.

Upstairs in the Education Building, Room 211.

We are using Zoom so anyone with internet access can participate. You can use a computer, tablet, or smartphone. (You can participate with video, sound, and/or text - your choice).
Here is the link:

GARS Executive Board meetings are held on the First Thursday of the month. If the first thursday falls on or close to a holiday the meeting date will change by one week beyond the original date.

All club members are invited to attend the meeting and participate in the discussion.

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